Aug. 9, 2023

Rant and Rave, Episode #227, Aug.8, 2023: Lib Tard Weekly Potpourri: How the Far Left is Trying to Destroy America

Rant and Rave, Episode #227, Aug.8, 2023: Lib Tard Weekly Potpourri: How the Far Left is Trying to Destroy America

Trump J6 indictment news, ex Capitol Police Chief tells Tucker J6 was a deception led by Pelosi, CCP funding US public schools, US women's soccer team SUCKS, LGBTQIA++ infesting our schools and more !

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Rant and Rave Podcast

Trump J6 indictment news, ex Capitol Police Chief tells Tucker J6 was a deception led by Pelosi, CCP funding US public schools, US women's soccer team SUCKS, LGBTQIA++ infesting our schools and more !